Teacher Training Program
For students of the Alexander Technique wishing to
become qualified teachers, Robin Gilmore offers a
training program near Washington, DC. The curriculum
includes group and private work in Alexander
principles, guidance in learning hands-on skills,
experiential anatomy and developmental movement.
After successfully training Alexander teachers in
Kyoto, Japan from 1993-1999, Robin is delighted to
be instructing potential teachers in her home state
of Maryland. For more information about the program,
please contact Robin Gilmore at (410) 268-2841 or
email: rglimmer@mindspring.com
Residential Course
Robin is a faculty member of an annual five-day
course held in Columbus, Ohio from December 27-31.
Sponsored by the Ohio State University School of
Music and Alexander Workshops, Inc., the workshop
features internationally known Alexander teachers.
For further information, go to www.alexanderworkshops.com
By Robin Gilmore
Robin served as guest editor and
feature writer for the Multicultural Issue (vol. 2,
no. 8) of DIRECTION Journal. She wrote the editorial
as well as "Crossing Hemispheres" about teaching the
Alexander Technique in Japan. Info: www.directionjournal.com.
"How Did We Get Here?" will be published in
2001 in The Congress Papers, a collection of
articles stemming from presentations given at the
6th International Congress of the Alexander
Technique, Freiburg, Germany, 1999. email: statbooks@stat.org.uk
Write or
phone Robin:
1204 Oak
Hill Place #2C
Annapolis, MD 21403