In recent years, a large and rapidly growing number of Alexander Technique teachers and students have become active on Facebook and Twitter. You can search either Facebook or Twitter for “Alexander Technique” to see what’s available.
Here are a few suggestions:
The Complete Guide to the Alexander Technique Page on Facebook provides up-to-date information about the latest Alexander Technique developments from around the world.
Alexander Technique Forum is an open Facebook group for Alexander Technique teachers, students and enthusiasts from all backgrounds. It is the largest and most active platform for discussions about all aspects of the Technique and is a good place to ask questions about it.
Alexander Technique Worldwide is a private Facebook group for Alexander Technique teachers.
Alexander Technique Distance Learning is an open Facebook group about online teaching.
New Teachers of the Alexander Technique is a private Facebook group for new teachers.
I like lying down in semi-supine is an open Facebook group that lists information about, and examples of, Alexander Technique constructive rest.
Marketing the Alexander Technique is an open group devoted to making the Technique more widely known.
Alexander Technique Events is an open Facebook group that lists announcements of Alexander Technique workshops and classes.
Alexander Technique Teacher Events is an open Facebook group that lists Alexander Technique announcements – primarily for Alexander teachers and students.