What is embodied mindfulness? How can it be harnessed to improve your posture? Read this guide to find out.

Posture can seem like an inconsequential thing. After all, what does it matter how we sit or stand? The truth is that posture is actually incredibly important, and it can have wide-ranging effects on our mental and physical health.

If you feel like your posture could use some improvement, there’s no need to take drastic corrective action. In fact, your posture can be improved considerably through a technique called embodied mindfulness. Read on to learn more.

What is Embodied Mindfulness?

If you’ve ever taken any meditation courses from a provider such as infijoy.com, to cite an example, you may well have heard of embodied mindfulness. However, the vast majority of people out there will never have heard of it, so let’s go over what it means.

Embodied mindfulness is the combination of two distinct philosophies, mindfulness and embodiment. Mindfulness is about looking inwards and paying attention to your thoughts, emotions, and innermost feelings. Embodiment is about listening to your physical body and learning how to interpret it.

So, embodied mindfulness is about paying equal attention to your emotions and your physical state, and through doing so, you can, in theory, reach a state of perfect harmony.

How Can it Improve Your Posture?

What does all this have to do with your posture? Embodied mindfulness is all about the connection between the mind and the body. It maintains that these are not two separate entities but are intrinsically linked and exist symbiotically.
Yoga is all about posture, and it explores the connection between our physical bodies and our spiritual state. If you want to start improving your posture, you should adopt similar practices through a process of embodied mindfulness in your everyday life.

Take work, for example. If you, like many of us, spend your days hunched over a computer, this could be seriously damaging your posture. Next time you’re at work, take a second to stop and think about how it is you’re sitting. Take deep breaths and reposition yourself so you’re sitting straight up. This will improve your posture and allow you to breathe much more easily.

Benefits of Good Posture

Why bother improving your posture? It can actually offer you a number of benefits.
First of all, it’s good for you physically. Improving your posture can help reduce the risk of developing lower back pain, reduce feelings of tension in your neck and shoulders, and can even help reduce the frequency of headaches.
Furthermore, good posture has also been linked to improved mental and emotional health. Good posture can help reduce feelings of stress, make you feel more self-confident, and some studies have shown that it can even help people perform better in high-pressure situations.


Embodied mindfulness can be used to improve various areas of our lives. What many people don’t realize however, is how beneficial it can be for posture. Taking steps to improve your posture is highly recommended, it can keep you physically fit and reduce the risk of developing back, neck, or shoulder problems. It can also boost your mental and emotional state in surprising ways.